To check your mail, just type "mail". This will list all the messages
in your mailbox. To read a specific message, type "mail <<a href="%23.html">#>",
where <<a href="%23.html">#> is the number of the message.
To delete a message from your mailbox, type "mail delete = <<a href="%23.html">#>",
where <<a href="%23.html">#> is the number of the message. Please delete mail that you
no longer need. You may delete all your mail at once with "mail
delete = all".
To send mail to another player, type "mail Player = Subject :
Message". You may also send mail to channels, which sends the mail to
all members of the channel. In this case, put a # before the channel name.
Send mail to multiple recipients by separating them with commas or spaces.
mail 2
mail delete = 2
mail delete = all
mail Jota = Mudmail : I love the new mail program you wrote!
mail thumper, inky, schep = Hi : What's up?
mail #dog_lovers = um : DO YOU LIKE DOGS?