The new bb system's interface is very similar to the old system, although
the internals have been completely rewritten. The main changes are the
addition of an undelete command, expansion of ranges (eg, bb delete = 1-10),
alternate supported numbering system, and each channel now has a bb in addition
to the main one. Command summary:
bb (list last X messages on main board)
bb 1-3 (read messages 1-3 on main board)
bb del = new (delete all new messages on main board)
bb undel = \4 (undelete message 4 on main board)
bb post = hello : bye (post message to main board)
bb modify = 32 : foo : bar (modify message 32 to have new subject/body)
bb #foo (list last X messages on board for #foo)
bb post #foo = hello : bye (post message on board for #foo)
bb modify #foo = 32 : foo : bar (modify message 32 to have new subject/body)
bb * (shortcut to read all new messages on all boards)
For further details, see the help entries for "bb_list", "read.html">bb_read",
"bb_post", "bb_modify", "bb_delete", "bb_undelete", "bb_check", "bb_scan",
"bb_clear", "bb_range", "bbnotify"