V6Lib Homepage

Last Updated: 12/20/2001

This page is pretty old... and I haven't really brought it up to date yet, but to see what I'm working on now check out my V6Lib Diary page.


Welcome to the V6Lib homepage.

V6Lib is a class library for Inform.  It is intended to make it easier for programmers to write games for the Version 6 Z-Machine (which allows for sounds, images, multiple text windows, and more).  It's still under development, but Version 0.825 has been released.

It's out!  Grab it below!  If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, etc. please email me.  I'm more than willing to help people out.


Well, the page is horribly out of date!  Anyone who tried to download the library from here would have failed due to a bad link. (Oops!)  Anyhow, here's a quick fix up.
Newish! As far as I know the DoMenu/AltMenu/utility libraries on GMD all work with V6Lib (I wrote the code, so as long as it made it into the release, it's there).

Graham Nelson has released perlBlorb, a perl script for compiling Blorb files. (see Stuff, below)

I've compiled Blorb Files for Arthur, Journey, Shogun and Zork 0 from the files on GMD.  (see Stuff, below)

Andrew Plotkin has released Blorblib 1.01,  an ANSI C source code library that could be plugged into an interpreter to read Blorb files. (see Stuff, below)

I've started work on a FAQ, take a look (see Stuff, below)


There isn't much here yet, but hopefully there will be someday.  For now take a look at what I do have to offer.


I want to take this time/space to thank the following people for there help and support and such with V6Lib:  Matt Ackeret, Neil Brown , Charlie Cole , John Holder , Stefan Jokisch , Patrick Kellum, Vincent Laviano, Howard Liu,  Denise Nedley, Graham Nelson, Andrew Plotkin, Matthew T. Russotto, Gunther Schmidl, Miron Schmidt, and Brian Waite. (Sorry if I'm forgetting anybody, feel free to remind me...)

That's it for now.

V6Lib and Page Design Copyright 1998 Jason C. Penney