Example: Let's say the "press button" object's dbref is 666.
@succ press button=@print("%n ", @execute(@getfield("666", "osucc")))
@osucc press button=@print("presses the button, and a sign
lights up, saying, \"%n's dbref is ", @player("%n"), ".\"")
Since this object's creator was too lazy to copy the @osucc to the
@succ field, he did that with a small program. Note that the @succ
message will automatically change as the @osucc does.
Now, if Ashanti (dbref #867) presses the button, everyone will read
Ashanti presses the button, and a sign lights up, saying,
"Ashanti's dbref is 867."
The "\"" constructs are quotes inside a string. Since a quotation mark
itself delimits a string, the backslash is needed to print it.
[Now you should read the section about "programming" to get going.]
[The tutorial ends here.]