
Now, normally whenever you try to pick up an object, and you fail, 
you see "You can't pick that up!". If you fail to use an exit, you 
usually see "You can't go that way.". This is, to put it bluntly, 
boring. If you try (and fail) to pick up Austin, you ought to see 
something like 'Austin scratches your arm, and runs away from you.' 
Well, it's easy to set that up. Just type "@fail Austin=Austin 
scratches your arm, and runs away from you." If you want someone who 
tries to pass through the magic door without the gold key to see "The 
doorknob feels warm to your touch, but it won't turn. The door must be 
locked.", then just type "@fail north=The doorknob feels warm to your 
touch, but it won't turn. The door must be locked."

The @ofail message is also very useful, for alerting everyone else in 
the room of the failure. You can use it just like the @osuccess 
message (except @ofail is shown when someone fails to do something),
by typing "@fail Austin=tries to pick up Austin, but instead receives 
a nasty scratch to the arm." You might also try "@ofail north=tries 
to open the heavy door, but fails to even turn the knob."

[Next you should read either "help t-nouns" or "help t-verbs".]